BoAt Immortal 121 Bluetooth Gaming Wireless Earbuds With BEAST Mode

I already have a part of wireless earbuds that I bought last September and I have been really happy with those. But this last Sunday, the 1st of January, I happened to watch a review of the Boat Immortal 121 and I was hooked. I watched a couple more and then searched the Boat website for the item – the white one that you see here on the left – was out of stock but they had the black one.

I then went to Amazon IN and Flipkart and they were out of stock as well for both colours. I then spent the next 3 days searching and checking. On the 3rd I found one white one available on Amazon but before I could place the order the item went out of stock! Flipkart had the black & the white one but they didn’t have any in the warehouse near me and hence they won’t ship to my address. That is a weird decision by them to now only shop from the nearest warehouse to you. Guess they don’t want enough business.

Finally on the 4th I found a white one and the seller on Amazon had just a couple of them and I was able to place an order for it and it initially said that the delivery estimate was the 13th of January, which was odd, but then it actually got delivered today, in 3 days. And I am loving it!

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