Getting back to the journeys of my family, set in the fantastic futuristic science fiction universe that I have created in my mind, read this post and the remaining before you proceed. Ok, all caught up? Now read on!
A few days gap, just to let my cousins and uncles, aunts catch up with some work and the kids to catch up with some classes online, and we were ready for some entertainment away from the spaceship. Now, everyone loves the spaceship and the suites and other areas are always lively during the day and evenings until the end of dinner but we also wanted to get to see more that the galaxy has to offer. One of my cousins had heard about this planet on which there were some alien races who had setup a type of circus and Cirque du Soleil of earth style entertainment. My cousin’s friend had gone there 3 years ago with a few of her family and friends after she got married and they enjoyed all the programs that the company there has for entertainment.
Now, even though humans, among some other highly advanced alien races, have abolished currency since we don’t use it or need it and haven’t for generations, some alien races including all the ones that run the entertainment on this planet, do need currency and entry for the programs and based on how many you visit will require a payment. This can be easily arranged as we have the ability to replicate a limited amount of currency depending on the area and gold coins and precious gems which mean so little to us, other than they look nice, but we can use it to pay for cooked food & drink or other things in smaller quantities but is also monitored so humans don’t accidentally misuse it.
So we gather the needed currency in the form of rectangular gold coins, which is what humans use in some of these alien planets and we also kept from gems with us to gift to some of the best servers and performers that we liked. On this planet we have a lot of alien races who perform and even more come to visit and be enthralled by the various acts. There are several arenas that we can visit and if you want to see all of the acts, it’s atleast 2 days with gaps for food and drinks. So once you confirm your tickets, you can go to the main entrance and pay for the tickets and give tips to the servers and performers as you see fit. The day before several of my aunts checked out videos of the performances and were excited as were most of the kids.
The rest of us were somewhat excited and we all decided to go for both the days. It was best that we leave the dogs behind in their respective suites. Anyways, we reached orbit of the planet, Quantara, and booked our tickets for the next two days. Some of the kids were impatient and really wanting to see the acts that it was all that they could talk about. The next morning post breakfast, we all went down to the planet and paid for the tickets in the gold. As humans cannot go off the ship without the forcefield or suits, we had all the kids and the elders walk inside the forcefield, flanked by robots and mobile forcefield generators, while my cousins & I used the suits and walk around more freely.
So there were magic acts, acts with wild animals, trapeze stuff, acrobats and unique things. The performers were from different alien races as were some of the animals. We went from one act to the other and sampled some of the snacks that they serve and the drinks, as in each between each of the acts as they had concession stands and tables and seats setup in between the different sections. The 35 domestic robots and my main robot are along with us and as we are 65 humans with 8 dogs (who are traveling in one of the robots or the other) our seats are setup in a huge section so we can easily get in within the confines of our forcefield without disturbing or inconveniencing other alien patrons. Ofcourse they do stare as they know that we are a bunch of humans with invincible technology.
Anyways, we sit down and enjoy the various acts, stopping in between to get some snacks and drinks from the stands – atleast the ones that show up as being harmless for humans to consume. The kids like the clown style shows and the animals ones. There are vicious looking creatures that the tamers have trained to do a few tricks and everyone is wowed by them. There are sea creatures that do some tricks as well and we are blown away by their sheer beauty and size. We end our day by 7pm our time and we go back to the ship for rest, dinner and sleep. The next day it’s more of the same but we spend most of the time at the Cirque du Solelil style act, with beautiful music, exoticly dressed alien performers and complex acrobatic moves that is set to the music. It lasted for 4 hours and we could have stayed for many more.
Once the show was done, we gave away most of the tips to the acrobats and showered them with praise and applause. It was now time to get back to the ship. We said our goodbyes to the organizers and then headed back to our ship in orbit. I ordered the robots on the bridge to take us out into space and towards our next destination as I changed to pjs. Shawny seemed to have enjoyed everything as much as we did. So did the other dogs. I walked back with Shawny and Junior on my heels as I joined a couple of my cousins on the way to the dining section of the ship. As I get my first beer of the night and join a table of my cousins and reach for a snack, I get an alert that a couple of alien ships who also left orbit seem to be following us.
I quickly sit at a console in the dining area/bar where my cousins and I were along with the dogs. We were still close enough to the star system so we were at impulse speed only. I got a quick scan taken on the two alien ships that I didn’t recognize – these were not friendly looking or a species that is known to us. If I were in a military ship I would stay around and find out exactly what they were but I am in a personal ship with my extended family. The scans show me that their ships had only 1/3rd of the speed of our ship and so I laugh out loud, and once were were out of that star system, I gave the order to increase our speed to warp 8 and let the two alien ships eating our stardust! That done, we went on with our dinner and enjoyed a nice evening.