When was the last time you were ready to throw in the proverbial towel? Did you end up letting go, or decided to fight on anyway?
Very recently. And I’m glad that I didn’t do it. By giving up I mean, giving up on me getting back to a semblance of normal life, with a steady pay package and having a proper job to go to and be active and social. I was reeling from the shock of having a decent job at a small yet comfortable office yanked from underneath my feet when my former boss at the previous organization informed me that he would have to let a few people go and by a few people he meant his management staff of which I was a part. First was me and a girl in HR and then soon in quick succession two of the Ops leaders and one of the tech guys. That was a hard pill to swallow but I should have seen the signs coming as some issues with clients, financing and mistakes that the owner was doing meant salaries were delayed and things were tight months before this.
So for many months I had to be at home and look for some freelance work which were few and far between while I sent resumes and applied for several jobs. I got two offer letters in April-May but I had to turn both of them down due to issues with the job. I went close a couple of more times, losing out in the final rounds after being informed that I was in the running for the post and that it was down to me and perhaps 1 or 2 more guys. I cannot tell you the disappointment I felt when after an interview at a company in June, where I was told by the main guy that it was “just a formality but that he had to complete a few more interviews” and that they would be in touch in a few days only for no news to come to me and on calling their HR 2 weeks later I found out that they had selected someone else. Devastating just doesn’t begin to describe it.
At times I wondered if I would ever get another proper job again and with cash being so low I wondered how much longer I could go one like this. I kept thinking “one more month”, “one more month” and soon I started thinking if continuing on was worth it and that it would so easy if I could end it all and that if death suddenly came, that it would be relief. I’m glad now though. Good things are in store.
Prompt from the Daily Post at WordPress.com.
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Congratulations Rosh! :-) on your new job and managing to hang in through the hard times…
Life should be more smoother and back to normal for now ..
( i.e. till you start courting the chics at the new workplace ;-) kidding ..lol )