I Got A New USB Mechanical Keyboard

And finally, what was old is now new! Like Brendan Frasier, the mechanical keyboard made a soaring comeback many years ago. Mechanical keyboards were a standard feature of many early PCs. Early IBM PCs were known for the Model M keyboard, with keys that offered a famously satisfying response and audible “clack” as they were depressed. My first time using a computer was at age 9 or 10 I think, back in 1986. Just a bit mind you, I didn’t have a pc at home. Then fast forward to 1992 and I signed up for a 2 month summer course at Datapro and learned a few basics of the computer and ofcourse, they used the old style keyboards.

It would be 1995 when I finally got a computer at home and it was a nice 15 or 16 inch monitor, with 50 MG of storage and yes the old light greyish white, or whatever the colour the systems were, keyboard. The next pc I bought would be back in 2006 and I had an assembled one with the old mechanical style keyboard. In 2010 I bought my first laptop and since then it’s been the chicklet style keyboards. I had a Lenovo and then a Dell and now I have my 5 year old HP. The HP has the nicest softest keyboard ever but after 4.5 years of steady usage (I do type a lot and use my laptop quite a lot at home) some of the keys take a little too much pushing to work. Like S & D & B & F! What the heck have I been typing!

Anyways I got this device after a long look at several ones. I do have a chicklet style external Bluetooth keyboard but it’s not a very good one. I decided to try one out that wasn’t very expensive and see how I like it. So far I am liking it a lot!

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