In And Out Of Contact

Do you have someone in your life that you wish you were still in contact with?

I had to think about that for a long time. You see I do miss my old school friends and the friends I made since then. And at times I wish I could go back to those good ole days and hang out with those friends. Same for college and NIIT – I had some really fun times at the latter for 2 years. Yet I do not talk to or meet these folks.

Would I like to reconnect and talk to all of them or just a few of them? Sure. A lot of them are friends with me on Facebook but I haven’t seen any of them in ages. I don’t chat with them, well except a small handful. I don’t talk to them on the phone or any other option. Funny enough, this is the era that we have all these options of Whatsapp or Facebook video calling or so many other options. But we did not grow up with it and we did not have these apps when we saw each other all the time. I think that makes a difference.

I am ok if I do not see them again or talk to them again. As long as everyone is doing well. I’ve spent all these years not seeing them so I should survive without seeing them again or not talking to them again. It’s all good, man.

Prompt from February Journalling Prompt Ideas at Nu Notebooks

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