I’ve Got The Travel Bug, Sorta!

My recent 12 day stay in Gurgaon, although it was for work, and last year’s week stay in Chennai, again albeit for work, had kindle an interest in traveling in me. Shocking, as I usually hate traveling. I think it’s more because I associate traveling in India with train journeys and I hate traveling in a train. Noisy, crowded and yuck! I can’t stand train journeys and would prefer to travel in a bus as you only have to stare out the window or the seat in front of you and perhaps an occasional glance at the person sitting next to you and not a horde of people.

But back to the point; I found myself checking out OYO rooms in locations that I want to visit and thinking of a quick 3-4 day trip and how much it would cost me for just the travel and the cost of the room. Finding some rather decently charged rooms in kinda of bed and breakfast places with really nice bedrooms, I am tempted to take a leave the next Friday and go for a three day vacation in places in the state! Or tack on a few more days and go to Goa or Pondi or Coorg! Heck Bangalore too for a few days and enjoy some pub action! That is something I really want to do and I think I may go in June.

Even a quick 2 day stay in a nice place somewhere in the outskirts of the city I live in would be quite relaxing. I would do it as long as the prices are reasonable and I can relax for a couple of days. That would be good for the mind and body.

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