Keep It Clean

If I am heading to work in the morning then I take a 20 minute shower say around 8am. Best thing to freshen yourself up in the morning is to brush your teeth, shave and then take a nice long shower. In that order; shakes out any left over sleep remaining in your head. Especially if you use a lime essences in your soap and a nice shampoo. Best thing ever when your senses get awakened.

When it gets too hot it’s good to take a shower in the evening once you get back from work as well. Cause you know, sweat and dirt from the busy day plus using public transport and all that shit. It’s good to get that done as soon as you reach home. I’d prefer doing that to showering after dinner and just before I get to bed. Some people like that but it’s not for me. So during the really hot days, here’s a tip. Take a shower about 15 minutes after you get home.

I’ve been doing late night shifts for my new now 2 month old job. That’s 1:30 am to 9 am people. Although I am moving back to day once again. Anyways, if I am doing that shift then I usually take a long bath or shower at 8pm (it’s a trend, do you see it?) cause I don’t like to take a shower after dinner. It still leaves me feeling all fresh and clean by the time the cab comes to pick me up at 1 am. Happy thoughts, stay clean and shower atleast once a day.

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