
Tell us about times in which you linger — when you don’t want an event, or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever?

Everytime I have good food and booze or an awesome orgasm! Hehehehe, ok wait. Well yes, everytime I am having a good day and a good time with friends and family. Having a getogether, a party, a visit. I personally loved the last family getogether we all had on February 14th of this year. It was a blast.

I remember fondly me and my team from one of my previous jobs going out for a day trip to Alappuzha back in March of 2011. That was a nice and wonderful time. We spent the day together, had breakfast, lunch and evening tea on the road and had a few laughs and reminisced about the 4 years I spent in that office with them. We also had one of the best, yet pretty simple compared to most standards, lunches I can ever remember having. We were pretty famished by then too, so that might have helped. I will never forget that trip.

Several others come to mind. The close intimate kind of day I spent with an ex-girlfriend, the lonely and introspective birthday I had at 29 (which for some reason stands out as a memorable day) and many many more of them.

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