Love Birds Are A Noisy But Good Addition To Your Family

I am more of a dog person and I even like cats. If given the choice I would pick a dog to have as a pet and add to my family and then perhaps second would be a cat. I love dogs and cats. However at times I have had other pets in my family. Top among there are love birds.

Love birds are part of the parrot family – a fact I did not know until now – and are rather cute. I think they are rather popular in India or atleast in Kerala for many decades. Keeping them in these large cages, because they couldn’t survive for long in the wild, are a great way to keep yourself entertained as you hear their chirping and the sound of the little wings flapping as they move from one perch to another. We used to keep a few throughout the years; initially just a couple in a smaller cage that we setup in the living room and then around 6 to 8 of them in a much bigger cage, which we kept outside on the porch but covered & protected by the sun and rain as they were under the large sun shade.

I would love to keep a few birds again. They do give out a lot of joy. Ok, they aren’t the kind of pet that you touch, who come to you, who react to you and show that love that is so special but they do have a place in your home.

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