I first was introduced to mIRC way back in 1998, when I used to frequent my friend’s (senior in high school) internet cafe, located on Broadway road. I started out not really being interested in chatting but soon got hooked on it in a matter of weeks. When I managed an internet cafe in 1999-2000, the first thing I installed was mIRC. I chatted with a ton of people and had a lot of fun. I would get letters from these girls that I had befriended and that used to make my mom feel a little scared to see mails coming in from Finland, Bulgaria, Indonesia & Philippines. I must admit that it’s a bit silly now to keep chatting with strangers without knowing anything about them and unsure if they are who they say they are.
But I guess that also was the charm in it. You never know if the girl who you just had cyber-sex with was actually your 60 year old school principle! Yuck, the thought sickens me. Anyway, when I finally got broadband at home almost 2 years ago, mIRC was one of the first things I installed but I got fed up of it after a couple of months. I have recently started using it frequently again but it’s more to play ‘trivia’ on it. I’ve got a good score now. Hope to see you there sometime. I go by the nickname count_roshculla.
I used to use it back in the old days of 1996 when we first got internet but not anymore, there are so many alternatives for chatting nowadays..