Think of your blog as a mirror: what does it reveal? Consider your blog name, theme choice, design, bio, posts… what does every element tell you about yourself?
Well the mirror might be a bit murky and not too clear for you to see. I mean, I do blog about a whole lotta things, any topic that hits my fancy and I feel like blogging about. My fav sports team, the lunch or dinner I had, things I was thinking about, stuff at work, stuff at home, stuff from around the city, state, country, planet or universe. The music I listen to, the books I’ve read, the movies & tv series I’ve watched. I share a lot of music & other videos and I also share my own videos and photos too.
I blog about whatever I feel like. Some of my personal thoughts & feelings. Some posts I will password protect as I only trust a few people to read them and I will send them the password if they choose to read them. I am comfortable about sharing most of my stuff online, the stuff that I keep away is not for you. So all in all I do like to share a lot of my life with anyone who cares to read about it but there is still some stuff that is not for the public.
The theme – well I like it simple. White background with some structure and colour here and there. That’s about it. You decide what you want to decipher from my stuff.
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