My Favorite Way To Start the Day

Best way to start the day, once the initial toilet rituals are done, is to get yourself a hot cup of milk laced coffee. Get up, wash your face, brush your teeth and relieve yourself. Come out and get the morning paper. Switch on the laptop and play a selected song. Open the windows and let the morning breeze come in and wash over your face. Take a long sip of coffee….ahhh!

I usually have a separate list of songs that I want to play first thing in the morning. Songs like ‘Baba O’Reilly” by the Who or something by Ron Korb or Jesse Cook. These make the morning a wonderful event and altogether more perfect that usual. Reading the sports news & scores is also a mandatory event to start my day. I like to put my feet up and watch some football or ice hockey highlights on Youtube while sipping the coffee.

The perfect end to the start of a day is ofcourse to have a nice breakfast. I prefer a sandwich – bread & jam or bread with tomatoes, onions & cucumbers or with a special chammandi spread. Then it’s on to face whatever the day has in store for me. Bring it on!

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