Republic Day Rant

The Republic Day of India commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India on 26 January 1950. The 26th of January was chosen to honour the memory of the declaration of independence of 1930.

Like every other holiday in India (and perhaps the world) it has become a day where a portion of the people make some money by commercializing the event. Shop keepers sell little flags of cheap cloth/paper stuck to a straw. I mean, that’s not right!

Most people these days only know of the Republic Day as just another holiday and an excuse to stay away from school/college/work and relax at home or go out and do your thing. I blame the corporates & companies of today – you take so much out of your employees that they look forward to such events as just rest. And then the companies try to do a one up on their staff – make then come to the office for an hour, hoist the flag (and do it all wrong in the process), someone from upper management (who doesn’t have a clue as to what they are talking about) will make a speech and try to make you feel like a loser for not doing enough for the country and then they will distribute sweets or cut a cake! Yep, corporates in India will cut a cake for anything these days.

Well that’s my 2 cent of ranting for the occasion. I hope you have a good Republic Day my fellow Indians.

2 thoughts on “Republic Day Rant

  1. you’re funny when you’re mad!

  2. Roshan says:

    Thanks, I was going for sarcastic but yeah funny is good.

    But has anyone told you…’re angry when you are beautiful!!!! ;)

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