I tend to change my shift slightly a few times a month and because we are a 24 hour BPO, this can change a lot. My usual shift is 6:30 pm to 3:30 am but this past 2 weeks I have been working 4:30 pm to 1:30 am. FOr 3 weeks in May I also did a 9:30 pm to 6:30 am.
What this means is that my sleep pattern is all topsy-turvy. For example even if I switch off my work system at 1:30 am, I then will watch tv till 4:30 am. This is also the usual sleep time for the shift that ends at 3:30 am unless I can manage to stay awake till 5 or 5:30 am. I just can’t seem to shake it and get a proper sleep pattern.
I usually try not to fight the tiredness and once my eyes get heavy, I will switch off my tv and the lights and go to sleep. But I end up waking a couple of times during my sleep. I am trying to get 7 hours of sleep if I can and may even nap for an hours in the afternoon if I wake up at 10:30 am or 11 am. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.