Some Courses & Lessons That Should Be Mandatory For High School

Should high schools teach functional life skills? (e.g. cooking, filing taxes, budgeting, etc.)

These things actually do make sense. I wish we had mandatory cooking classes and I think you can introduce that in grade 8th or 9th. You don’t even have to have it more than 1 class a week. And the schools should keep it simple and varied, so you have a few dishes you can bank upon in a bind and by the time you graduate in 3 years, you have a small repertoire of lunch or dinners and can even think about experimenting with different ingredients.

Banking, saving, investing, filing taxes and budgeting – don’t these things make more sense than having trigonometry in school? I think schools should have them in well before my time but it’s never too late to start. So schools take heed and start these programs by grade 9 and have the students go through them and make it easier for them once they graduate and then go off to college. Make them understand about using debit and credit cards and the risks involved.

Other than that I am not sure what you should teach them but these seem to make sense to me.

Prompt from Journaling Prompts from The Coffee Monterz Co . Com

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