Somethings That I Wish I Did When I Was Younger

What is something you wish you did when you were younger?

Lots of things. I wish I had learned how to drive and taken my license. I wish I had picked up a couple of languages that I wish I knew how to speak like French…..and Klingon! I have always wanted to learn these two languages. But I never even tried to go and attend some classes for any of these. Another thing that I wanted to learn and really regret not doing so is learning to play an instrument. Especially the guitar!

I have always wanted to be able to play lead guitar. Ever since I got hooked onto rock music, where ofcourse guitar is almost always front and center, back in 1986 I have wanted to be able to play like a maestro. I did go for some classes but I hated my teacher and quit after a few months. I wish I had stuck with it, or joined another music center and learned under a different teacher. Maybe I could have become really good at it.

Also I wish I could have worked more on my education when I was younger and do things a whole lot better. Maybe I could have migrated out of India and moved to Canada. That has been my biggest dream and I wish I could have done that. I hate having had to have lived here for all these years.

Prompt from Journaling Prompts from The Coffee Monterz Co . Com

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