The first person you ever crushed on—and what were you thinking?!
I think it is safe to say that I was 13 and the first real crush I had was on this girl who was a class above me and 2years older. I mean I’ve had my celebrity crushes and all that (some of them still to this day) but the first time I had a real crush was in 1989 for this girl called Sophia. Or did she spell it as Sofia. I am not sure. What I am sure of is that I had it bad for her.
She was tall and fair and had thick curly hair which I loved. She was hot too! She was a bit of the silent type so I had difficulty in getting to know her. And ofcourse I was kinda shy and not really confident in my ability or lack thereof to win the heart of a girl like her. I think at one point of time I did tell her how I felt but she didn’t feel the same way. But that didn’t stop me from being friends with her. Eventually in a year or so I got over my little crush on her.
If I met her now I would say hi and catch up and then move on. She’s just another memory in a long line of memories. I am curious though to see how she is but it wouldn’t go beyond a casual curiosity.
Prompt from 56 blogging prompts that will help you start telling stories