One of the biggest problems with our society in India is that they choose to ignore and keep quite about a disgusting human being (and I use those last two words lightly) and choose to bury your head in the sand about this things he has done, just to avoid bringing attention to it. Avoid the shame. How would you be able to show your face in public if people knew? So you push it to the back of your mind, ignore it and conveniently even treat it as if it was “normal”. And you adjusted to it – after all it didn’t happen to you or to your kid, right? It’s ok to forget. It’s easy. So you forgot.
This is because of the sense of “normalcy” about this vile excuse of a human being, who would abuse his wife and even once raped his own daughter, because it happened in the early 80s (81 or 82 I guess). At that time, until very recently, it was so common for such things to not go reported because “how on earth will we face the public? The shame that it will bring to our family when everyone will know.” Even when someone saw this man naked with his two young daughters (way too young for them to know) and reported it, due to the shame it might bring, charges were dropped. The mental abuse to his wife continued on for a while, until the children became bigger.
So now he is dead. After suffering a long time with an illness. But he flourished. Was a respected doctor. Most people who interacted with him outside the work place would get the feeling that something was off with him but he did well in life. Had 7 kids, controlled them (not raised, controlled) for as much as he could until 1 daughter told him to “fuck off” and she went to live her life the way she wanted to.
But generally now that he is dead in his late 70s, people want to forgive him. “Oh poor man, it is sad” Why? Because he prayed? He goes to temple or TEMBLE as the bastard used to say! He does pooja in his home to please the imaginary dieties who he feels has enabled him smug superiority and gave him what he wanted in life. Is that the reason he went scot-free?