The night of Friday I was pretty much ok and didn’t have much of a problem as previous posted. I was feeling tired and a bit sleepy. I had my McDonald’s dinner and then promptly went to bed at 9:30 pm trying to watch a movie. I didn’t manage that but did watch episode 3 of Marvel’s What If…? and an episode of Star Trek Enterprise season 3 before I fell asleep.
I think I had a good solid 8 hour sleep and I woke up feeling ok. I had coffee and my breakfast but by 11am I started to feel the effects of the vaccination. I started getting a slight fever so I took a Paracetamol (I had taken one at lunch and before going to bed as well the previous night) and went to bed and watched both Angels & Demons as well as Alien 3. Evening came around and Arsenal didn’t help things at all by failing to show up in a 5-0 loss at Manchester City.
I still was feverish throughout the evening. I had two cups of coffee and a quick dinner and was in bed by 9:30 pm yet again. I watched The Polar Express for the first time and then went to sleep. I got another 7 hours of solid sleep and today I feel much better.