Post Covid: First Day Of School

Tomorrow is the first day of school for this academic year. Granted that during Covid we won’t have children going to a physical school but will instead learn from home on Zoom or other video conferencing tools. From my family my niece is in school, she is almost 15, as well as a few kids of my cousins too are in school.

This might be a good thing as usually the start of school here in Kerala also sees the start of the monsoon season. I remember one particular year, grade 9 I think, when the first day of school was called off as the school got flooded. The rains were so heavy and the water just collected (the school was at the bottom of a small hill) and people just couldn’t get into the rooms without wading through waist high muddy water. And hence, school got cancelled for 2 days! Sweet! I went to 3 different schools – Carmel School, Kuwait (kindergarten to grade 4), Indian School, Kuwait (grade 5) and Hill Valley High School, Thrikkakara (grades 6-10) – but the first day was always the same feeling. Like the beginning of a jail sentence. And being innocent of the crime!

I remember my first day of school. A proper school; I went for Kindergarten i.e LKG in a teacher’s home and then to Upper KG in Carmel School Kuwait. I was 5 years old. I remember being so excited and could hardly shut up the day before and could hardly sleep the night before. I was totally wired & excited; if you had put an electric cable in me, you could have powered the entire tiny nation of Kuwait for that day. All homes, shops, stores, warehouses & offices included! That’s how excited I was.

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