When reading for fun, do you usually choose fiction or non-fiction? Do you have an idea why you prefer one over the other?
I tend to mostly stick to fiction and very rarely do I go for a non-fiction book. I like autobiographies and bios as well but the ones I have read are not that many. I remember loving the autobios of Bjorn Borg and Martina Navtratilova (which are co-authored) but still great reads into the minds and lives of big champions.
I don’t think I would much like reading books based on history that much although when I have, I have been engrossed in it. I prefer documentaries and movies based on history. I love stuff like that but reading through it hasn’t always captured my fancy as much as watching it on a screen has. Still it does have it’s charms.
Fiction has always appealed to me, I can get lost in a book and the way the best stories are written. I create the look of each character, building, house and apartment in my mind. The way the characters walk, talk, gesture – everything comes alive in my brain as I have a very active one. That’s kinda why I prefer fiction.
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