Hmmm, now that is a question. I’d like to think that there is a limit, of decency and honesty, beyond which not just me but everyone would not go beyond when it comes to doing something for a nice big fat check. That’s what I’d like to believe, though how true is it when some people are concerned? There are things that we might do in times of desperation and you really need that money but other than that, would you do it? I might do some questionable things just to save a loved one’s life, like a hospital situation and I don’t have the money for it and if this questionable thing comes up for a large wad of cash then I’d do it. But there would a limit to what we or I can do for money, even if there is a loved one’s life at stake.
What if it isn’t a case of life or death and just money related? A business venture? Something at work, a sale or a project to be closed? How far would you stoop to ensure that it went through? I am reminded about an episode of the tv series Traders in which a character, played by actor Peter Stebbings, is desperate for a project to be closed with a large sum of money to be made in the process. Something happens and the project is in jeopardy. Stebbing’s character rushes to the client’s hotel room and pleads for another chance to close the deal with the missing details added. The client says that the deal has to go through that night or else not at all. Stebbings is ready to do anything – and the client, a male, says that if he sleeps with him, he will go through with the sale! Stebbings’ character, although not gay, is desperate enough to agree and does have sex with the client. The next morning he is a hero at the office for the contract going through! But he is never the same again and leaves the firm unable to come to terms with what he had to do.
Would you kill someone for money? Rape someone? Cut someone up? Burn a house or some other building? Shit in public? Pee on someone? How low would you go? What is that line that you will not cross?
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