The Towers

When I think of my childhood, I ofcourse think about the 11 years I spent in the city of my birth – Kuwait City. The capital city of the tiny country of Kuwait, currently has a city population of 32,500 and a metro population of well over 2 million. One of those 2 million used to be me, living with my parents & my sister in a tiny apartment in an area called Darwahza. The times I spent there will forever be embedded in my mind as some of the happiest & innocent moments of my life. Among one of the images & memories that I hold deeply in my heart, are the Kuwait Towers – the most famous landmark of the city & the country. Completed in 1979 (a few months before I turned 3) the three towers were built for multi-purpose operations.

The main tower is 187 metres high and serves as a restaurant and water tower. It also has a Viewing Sphere which rises to 123 meters above sea level and completes a full round turn every 30 minutes. The second tower is 145.8 metres high and serves as a water tower. The third tower houses equipment to control the flow of electricity and illuminates the two bigger towers. I will forever remember my one & only visit with my dad to the revolving restaurant in 1986, towards the end of my family’s life in Kuwait (we left for India the following summer). The view of the city, the revolving movement held my attention that I begged to stay back and just take it all in.

4 thoughts on “The Towers

  1. Neat! Being from North America, I know next to nothing about Kuwait. A capital with a population of 2.5 million isn’t bad though, even though the country is “tiny” in our view; Canada’s capital only has 1 million people in it!

    It’s funny (and sad) how we in North America tend to overlook the people of other countries as unimportant if they’re not one of the major western or eastern civilizations. Aside from the major portions of Europe, Russia, China, and N.A., we are horribly culture ignorant!

  2. Hi NebCanuck, when I typed 2.5 million I am not sure if that includes the thousands of Indians who live, work & raise families there without any hope of getting citizenship. Even though I was born in Kuwait, I didn’t get automatic citizenship. Even though my dad spent 29 years in Kuwait and was given lots of awards & mementos for great loyal service to the Kuwaiti bank he worked for, he never got a chance to become part of the country. That is the problem with Arab countries.

    But it is a tiny country, 2.5 million in the capital and 3.1 million in total :)

  3. Hm, interesting about the citizenship thing. I’ve heard of countries where you’re basically required to have local ancestry to be considered a real citizen. I guess that’s the style of politicking that goes on in Kuwait.

    And yes, that certainly is tiny!

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