What I Learned Blogging

What have you learned since you first started blogging?

What have I learned? Well one thing, which was almost obvious to me, is that I love blogging. I used to keep a daily journal for a while as a teenager. Ages 15 to 19 I maintained the journals and I wish I could have saved them. Then I picked it up at age 21 but it became mostly just a few notes on the page. Doing it online made a lot more sense.

I also noted that a lot of people start blogs but then they stop after a while. I maintained it because I love the process. I also want to keep a record of things that happen in my life, as boring and bland as it may be. But it is interesting to me. When I am old and retired, I will spend many hours going through the old posts over a coffee or a beer and smile.

I also learned that you can make money online using your blog. That was an eye opener for me. Back in 2008 it was once a year and by 2011 it became a few times a year. I started getting quite a lot towards the end of 2018 and in 2020 it was quite a lot. I still make a few thousand here and there and it gives me so much pleasure when I get paid for doing what I love.


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