Another Meme

1. If you could be there to change just one event in history, what would it be?

a. Hmmm, there’s quite a few wars, a few massacres & accidents & other stuff. Maybe a sporting loss? Ok, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, for obvious reasons.

2. If you could be any actor or actress who ever lived, who would it be, and why?

a. Tough choice, I have favourite film roles but to pick just one actor? William Shattner. He was famous in the 60’s, 70s, 80s, a lull in the 90s but he bounced back with his role as ‘Denny Crane’ in Boston Leagal and getting rave reviews & making new fans at the age of 75 & is still a great tv star now in the 21st century. Plus , come on, he was / is / and will always be ‘Captain James T Kirk’.

3. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon show?

a. The obvious one – Tom & Jerry but I also loved The Flinstones & Looney Tunes equally.

4. Beatles or Rolling Stones?

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a. I was never a big fan of the Stones, although I love a few of their songs. So it’s the Beatles all the way.

5. If you could be any fictional literary figure ever, who would it be?

a. Bond….James Bond

The Missing Key

I had to remove myself from one project midway through yesterday’s session as my attentions & efforts were needed elsewhere. I spent my entire work day today running after this other stuff and I was on the phone a lot, trying to arrange things and ensure that there are no mistakes done. It is frustrating work. Neil & Vidya came back from their 4 week deputation in Hubli and we were glad to have them back. The rest of us really missed the two of them, especially during that function that our department has held.

I had a late lunch with Neil and then it was back to more waiting and more calling on the phone. In all this rush, I managed to misplace a key that opens & locks the door to one of our training rooms! Well done my boy. I had, unfortunately during all this stress, been in possession of all three keys of the three training rooms at one time or the other today, although I only needed one and that too for just a short period of time. I was holding the other two keys for my colleagues and I can’t find one of the keys. Me and my colleague had to waste an hour and 20 mins searching for it and finally we asked for a duplicate key, since we can’t keep the room unlocked and leave. There are speaker, a projector and some other valuable electronic goods that just cannot be left without proper safety measures.

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All in all, it was a harried day and I would like to forget this day in a hurry!

Song for the day – “If I Had My Way” – BIG SUGAR