Another Mid-Week Break

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Well, I have the day off tomorrow due to it being a festival. I’m so enjoying having the last few public holidays coming in between the week and enjoying the free time. I like sleeping in late and relaxing with my coffee while listening to some music in the mornings. I’m downloading Star Trek episodes and I just love lying on my bed and watching them.

download national lampoon s animal house online I’m just recovering from a little tummy upset – Sunday afternoon I had gone to down a few cold brewskis in the hot, sunny afternoon. I had my lunch at the same place and it must have caused the upset – funny thing is that it was mostly vegetarian food! Maybe that was the problem!

The asshole is back in Kochi and man does he piss people just by breathing. He puts on such an attitude and a fake demenour; it’s no wonder he is labbled as a bulldog! I just wonder if he has been given the necessary shots! Distemper, rabies etc! Fucking bozzo – that’s what he is.

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