The Black & The Red

Is Coke slowly replacing Pepsi as my choice of soft drink? Since Covid hit, even though I have been getting the odd Pepsi bottle or can, I seem to be buying more & more Coke instead.

During the work week, when it is hot, there is nothing more that I enjoy than a cold drink with a bit of ice added to the glass to sip and enjoy as I work. Especially in the late evenings. During the weekend, Saturday I will add my Old Monk rum or Smirnoff Espresso to it and enjoy the combo while I eat some good food. Sunday I will drink a large glass of Coke as I watch Youtube and enjoy listening/watching music videos throughout the evening.

I still prefer Sprite overall and 7up is a close second but I like a cola since my current alcoholic beverages at home are the Espresso vodka and black rum. They go so well with a Coke or Pepsi. So for the time being it is a cola that I buy and Coke seems to be winning. Beside there is something really special about a rum & Coke.

Lockdown Blues


Well we’ve survived the weekend & Monday of lockdown. Now it’s the rest of the week that I need to get through. Food is the main issue. I am buying food from restaurants and cafes. I am trying to buy one big meal with a couple of items so I can have it for lunch as well as dinner. During the weekend for Saturday night I did have a pizza but other meals have been pre-purchased, refrigerated and saving the left overs for another meal.

One of the easiest things to do is buy some food from Lulu Hypermart – some of the items are cheaper than in most restaurants and cafes and it’s decent in taste. I’m also getting some juices and cold coffee from them, again much cheaper than in most other places. Plus they have a really good selection of different items from Arabian food like shawarma, hummus and kuboos, Indian, Indo-Chinese plus sandwiches, salads, burgers & pizza.

Other than that I am usually working, eating or sleeping. A few hours I try to watch some tv and relax but I am sick and tired of this shift and working extra hours as well as a few hours on the weekend. I feel like I can’t relax properly. I hope things calm down a little bit.